🔁 Refund Policy
We want your experience with lrsports.in to be as perfect as possible. We understand that occasionally you may have to return something to us for a variety of reasons and to make it easier, we have a no-hassle 2 days return and exchange policy from the day of receiving the order. If the item you receive is not right, return it to us within 2 days and we will promptly refund your money within 10 days or exchange it for something else for a full refund or exchange except delivery charges which were borne by the company. The item must be returned in its original condition. Below are few extra details to keep in mind, to make sure you get your refund.
Refund policy does not applies to all products. For more information please go through the product description
Products should be returned in their original packaging along with the original price tags/barcode, labels, and invoices. If the original manufacturer packing/shrink wrap/seal on the product is removed or tampered then we don't consider the product damaged in transit or shipped from our end. So, please check for any damage before removing the packing.
No Refund shall be entertained if the hologram is found to be tampered.
Replacement on used products / Broken Tags will not be accepted in any case, and NO argument will be entertained. We consider Broken Tags/shrink wrap removed, means the product is used.
If required we can ask for an unpacking video of the product, if any issue is not justified or describable. So, please. make the unpacking video of the product, showing all sides of the package are sealed.
Replacement of good/product or refund costs will not be made until the original good/product is received by us in a re-saleable condition and your claim verified.
While placing the Replacement request, initial reason for Replacement will be considered for Approval or Disapproval of request either you selected that reason by mistake or due to any reason.
We aim to process refunds and replacements within 7 days of receipt by us of the original product/good.
Any product purchased during a Sale time (either a few hours sale or several days sale), such products are also not eligible for return/refund/replacement.
If you are violating any of the mentioned policies, abusive, or don't respect them then we reserve the right to block the purchase account for any future purchase from us.
If order is customized for any other service, they can't be canceled in case of late delivery too, so if you need the order urgently or in Express and can't wait then please don't customize the product.
lrsports.in reserves all the right to take the final decision on the refund of the product.
Cancellation Policy
We allow order cancellation until the order is not shipped from our end. After the order has been shipped then we can't cancel the order.
In case of prepaid order if any buyer denies taking the product from the courier guy or is not reachable due to any reason then all the expenses incurred in sending that shipment including 2 sides courier charges + handling/packing charge will be charged from the refund, no Free Shipping clause will be applicable at that time.
If you require any more information or have any questions about our returns, refund & cancellation policy, please feel free to contact us by email rahull.goyall1987@gmail.com or call us on +91-8527071713 (10AM-6PM).